Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lucid Dreaming

Have you heard of lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is when you are fully aware that you are dreaming when you are dreaming. (On the other hand, lucy dreaming is when Lucy is dreaming. It is not recommended that you disturb Lucy while she is dreaming.) Once you are aware, you could do anything you want, just think of what you want to do when you are dreaming.

A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming, or a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Once, I was dreaming about fleeing from something when I suddenly stopped to buy something (I don't know why) and then I gave the stallholder money and she gave me change that was more than she would give in real life. So then, I noticed that I was dreaming but at that time, I haven't heard of lucid dreaming yet, so I didn't get to control what I was dreaming.

1 comment:

Rich said...

If you're interested in how to lucid dream you'll find some great resources here:
